If you are student in college, do you know that you can write essay for money? The student loan and support from sponsors whether parents, guardian or well-wishers cannot meet your needs. The best thing the proceeds from student loan can do is to finance your tuition fees. While everyone would want to make more money, writing is task that needs passion and preparedness.
Remember that the persons who offer the writing jobs are students in other universities and other academic institutions and they expect that the paper delivered should be of higher status than they would have done it themselves. Also keep in mind that these students do not have their papers written because they have no clue what to write. It is only that they are busy and held up or the workload simply too much.

What does it take to become a writer?

If you want to write college essays for money, you must begin by doing a self-evaluation to determine if you a writer. Not any person who knows how to type or write can become academic writer. Of all the genres of writing, academic writing is ranked on top. The paper you write will be subjected to critical review by other scholars. Imagine of presenting a paper to a professor who is an expert in your field of interest. It is important to ensure you not just have the time but are prepared to write. You must be prepared to do through research as though you are writing your paper. You must ensure you deliver the best and nothing short of that.

Getting in to the actual writing

To begin writing, you have to apply to become a writer at one of the writing websites. The leading sites offer good pay for any completed project but their recruitment policies and procedures are strict. Generally speaking, you will be taken through an interview which may be online or via phone call. You may also be subjected to aptitude tests. Also included in the examination is English proficiency test.
You will be informed on the status of your interview after just some few hours or days. You may be required to provide personal identification details such as national identity card, and scanned copies of academic papers. You may also be required to provide samples of papers you have written, or may be provided a topic and required to research and write in certain style, in most cases either APA or MLA style.